Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Prosititution
from other prostitutes and from experience on the street. The lack of knowledge is due to most starting the role of prostitution at a very young age. Some prostitutes have also learned to use other means of communications such as the internet to get clientele and even call themselves escorts to try and get out of the fowl name of prostitute. Escorts use terms such as buying time, in call session, which is basically where a john goes to visit the escort at their hotel, residence or meeting spot or outcall sessions, where the johns will have the escort come to his residence or hotel. (Henslin, 2004 p. 12-13) 1 Structural Functionalism: Prostitutes do not make up any certain race, gender or age. The only things prosti... Free Essays on Prosititution Free Essays on Prosititution Prostitution Sociology Prostitution is the selling of sex for money. In most places throughout the world prostitution is legal, however in the United States prostitution is illegal except certain areas such as Las Vegas, NV. Prostitution ranks are predominantly female, but there are males that sell their bodies as well. Prostitutes are normally drug and/or alcohol abusers who live on the streets or run down residence and stoop to selling their bodies for a low amount of money. Prostitutes normally hang out in run down and high crime areas of a city and are very easy to spot due to their dress attire and hanging out on the streets at odd hours of the day and night. Internationalism: Prostitutes are very streetwise and know the ins and outs of legality regarding their profession. Prostitutes used many symbols and code words to attract the clientele or Johns, as they are known in the community. Prostitutes use a lot of their gestures to keep from being arrested and also to let their clientele know who they are and what they are willing to do. Many prostitutes are uneducated and learn a lot of their street knowledge, gestures and words from other prostitutes and from experience on the street. The lack of knowledge is due to most starting the role of prostitution at a very young age. Some prostitutes have also learned to use other means of communications such as the internet to get clientele and even call themselves escorts to try and get out of the fowl name of prostitute. Escorts use terms such as buying time, in call session, which is basically where a john goes to visit the escort at their hotel, residence or meeting spot or outcall s essions, where the johns will have the escort come to his residence or hotel. (Henslin, 2004 p. 12-13) 1 Structural Functionalism: Prostitutes do not make up any certain race, gender or age. The only things prosti...
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